do404() Called from /rd/vhosts/tele/telezor/lib/Action/Site.php:12
Exception:Error(no such template: page-page404)
server • • • site-id: 104 • rd/telezor • Feb 22, 21:23:16 • git 0843ef08e8

Exception:Error(no such template: page-page404)

*** []
* non recoverable Error - developer uses Code Incorrect Way * throw \Error exception if ... */ function error_unless($boolean, string $message) { if (! $boolean)
throw new \Error($message);
error_unless []
return i('')->row($business_id); } // Access specific template function tpl($name) : string { $id = TPL::id($name, false);
error_unless ($id, "no such template: $name"); // NO AutoCreate
// RDSite::tpl is broken !!! return tpl(RDSite::siteTemplatesPrefixPages().$name); } // Access specific "sectioned" template // Remember - {=@T.$section} = access template for a current page
ViewHelper->tpl []
return tpl(RDSite::siteTemplatesPrefixPages().$name); } // Access specific "sectioned" template // Remember - {=@T.$section} = access template for a current page function tpls($name) : array {
return \TPL::parseSections($this->tpl($name));
ViewHelper->tpls []   ...
return $o(...$params);
* "Class::Decorator Method" * */ PUBLIC function call($obj_method, ...$params) { $o = $this->resolve($obj_method);
return $o(...$params);
} /** * Return decorated Method(Class::method) as closure. $M = i('decorator')->call([$this, "method"]; $result = $M(...$args); * * @param $obj_method:
hb\core\i\Decorator->call []   ...
return i('decorator')->call([$this->_, $method], ...$args);
$wrap = $config['wrap']; unset($config['wrap']); $this->_ = is_string($wrap) ? new $wrap($config) : $wrap; } function __call($method, $args) {
return i('decorator')->call([$this->_, $method], ...$args);
} function __get($prop) { return $this->_->$prop; } function __set($prop, $value) {
hb\core\i\DecoratorWrapper->__call []
* */ class Action_Page extends Action_Site { function _common() { parent::_common();
$T = i("VH")->tpls("page-".$this->method);
$this['G.title'] = $T['title']; $h1 = $T['h1'] ?? $T['title']; $body = $T['body']; $html = @$T['html']; $this->s = "<h1>$h1</h1>".($body ? "<p>$body</p>" : "").$html;
Action_Page->_common []   ...
if ($c=$this->_common($method)) return $c;
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') $this->_forbidden("Can't call internal method"); } // seems like a bug if ($a=$this->_access($method)) return $this->$a($method); // common access handler
if ($c=$this->_common($method)) return $c;
$mex=1; // method exists if (! method_exists($this, $method) ) { $mex=0; // missing method processing Profiler::in("Action::missing method");
Action->_call []   ...
$r = parent::_call($method, $url);
} public function offsetUnset($path) { \DH::uset($this->_, $path); } function _call($method, $url) { # "w:$view-name"
$r = parent::_call($method, $url);
if (!CD("AJAX")) { if ($r === null) return "w:"; if ($r) { if (is_array($r))
hb\core\view\Action->_call []   ...
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::disable(); CD::set("AJAX", 1); } Profiler::in("${class}::$method", $p); $A = new $class($p);
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::out(); //respect called action's desire to act as AJAX. $is_ajax = CD("AJAX"); // AJAX methods - default - no templates if ($is_ajax) {
Controller::action []   ...
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
self::$layout=$layout; if ($r = strpos($url,"?")) $url = substr($url, 0, $r); $url = substr($url,1); // remove leading "/" restore_msg($params); // modify params - restore messages passed by pass_msg
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
if (isset($_GET['TPL']) ) { echo "<div style='padding-left: 3px; background: #eee'>"; vvv($params); echo "</div>"; }
Controller::dispatch []   ...
Controller::dispatch($url, $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
echo " Called from ".@$dbtr[0]["file"].":".@$dbtr[0]["line"]."\n"; } } Profiler::disable(); // usually redirects break profiling $url = NVL(CC("page404"),'/page/page404');
Controller::dispatch($url, $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
exit; } /** * redirect to global 410 page (status GONE) with logging to local file or log server * @param int $status
do404 []
* Base class for Actions on Site * */ class Action_Site extends \hb\core\view\Action { function _missing_method() {
} function _common() { $this["G.layout"] = "layout"; //By default all pages are noindex, follow, noarchive $this["G.robots"] = "noindex, nofollow, noarchive";
Action_Site->_missing_method []   ...
$mex=1; // method exists if (! method_exists($this, $method) ) { $mex=0; // missing method processing Profiler::in("Action::missing method");
Profiler::out($m); if ($m) { $method=$m; if (method_exists($this, $method) ) $mex=1;
Action->_call []   ...
$r = parent::_call($method, $url);
} public function offsetUnset($path) { \DH::uset($this->_, $path); } function _call($method, $url) { # "w:$view-name"
$r = parent::_call($method, $url);
if (!CD("AJAX")) { if ($r === null) return "w:"; if ($r) { if (is_array($r))
hb\core\view\Action->_call []   ...
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::disable(); CD::set("AJAX", 1); } Profiler::in("${class}::$method", $p); $A = new $class($p);
$r = $A->_call($method, $path);
Profiler::out(); //respect called action's desire to act as AJAX. $is_ajax = CD("AJAX"); // AJAX methods - default - no templates if ($is_ajax) {
Controller::action []   ...
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
self::$layout=$layout; if ($r = strpos($url,"?")) $url = substr($url, 0, $r); $url = substr($url,1); // remove leading "/" restore_msg($params); // modify params - restore messages passed by pass_msg
$template = self::action($url, $params); // PARAM by REF!
if (isset($_GET['TPL']) ) { echo "<div style='padding-left: 3px; background: #eee'>"; vvv($params); echo "</div>"; }
Controller::dispatch []   ...
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
Controller::dispatch($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"], $_GET + $_POST, "_layout");
Error: no such template: page-page404 in homebase/hb/global.php:439
#0 vhosts/tele/telezor/lib/ViewHelper.php:27 error_unless()
#1 vhosts/tele/telezor/lib/ViewHelper.php:35 ViewHelper->tpl()
#2 homebase/hb/core/i/Decorator.php:92 ViewHelper->tpls()
#3 homebase/hb/core/i/DecoratorWrapper.php:49 hb\core\i\Decorator->call()
#4 vhosts/tele/telezor/Action/Page.php:22 hb\core\i\DecoratorWrapper->__call()
#5 lib.framework/Action/Action.php:158 Action_Page->_common()
#6 homebase/hb/core/view/Action.php:41 Action->_call()
#7 lib.framework/Controller/Controller.php:213 hb\core\view\Action->_call()
#8 lib.framework/Controller/Controller.php:137 Controller::action()
#9 lib.framework/utils/web.php:106 Controller::dispatch()
#10 vhosts/tele/telezor/lib/Action/Site.php:12 do404()
#11 lib.framework/Action/Action.php:165 Action_Site->_missing_method()
#12 homebase/hb/core/view/Action.php:41 Action->_call()
#13 lib.framework/Controller/Controller.php:213 hb\core\view\Action->_call()
#14 lib.framework/Controller/Controller.php:137 Controller::action()
#15 vhosts/tele/telezor/www/index.php:2 Controller::dispatch()
#16 {main}